

Picturebook Pi

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Feather and Measure

Feather and Measure

Feather and Measure takes the spatial and temporal scales and perspectives of birds as a point of departure for reinterpreting landscapes and our human presence within them… MORE

Stories from the Hills: Tales of the Lowland

Stories from the Hills: Tales of the Lowland

In this project, we look at the relationships and dependencies between the farmers in the hills of Thailand and the people of the urban lowland… MORE

Ethnobotanical Station

Ethnobotanical Station

Ethnobotanical Station draws upon a rich and culturally diverse lineage of knowledge to study the complex relations between plants and humans. Through an inventory of distinctive tools, exemplary specimen and mappings the project presents new ways to preserve this knowledge and relate to the plant life around us… MORE

ReMarshing: Waste­lands to Wetlands

ReMarshing: Waste­lands to Wetlands

A process of enabling the ecosystem to rebuild itself as a wetland while also cleaning the water of its toxins. MORE

Energy Harvests

Energy Harvests Claiming Energy Leaks as Resource

Our energy distribution infrastructures are clumsy, spilling off large amounts of energy as heat, light, and vibration in the process of delivering their goods. How might people literally plug in to surplus energies that they’ve accumulated, powering their own objects or feeding a local micro energy network? MORE…

Wunschgarten: Wild Urban Offshoots

Wunschgarten: Wild Urban Offshoots

The Wunschgarten is a celebration of the city’s wild features and creatures, and a vision of utopian measures that reach beyond existing mitigation schemes and municipal green-space planning. MORE…

Beneath the Pavement: A Garden

Beneath the Pavement: A Garden

This project considers biological forms and how they relate to political and social systems. It looks at the potential of a small plot of land to tell social and political stories, deconstructing systems, propagating them and watching them grow, pollinate and die. It’s a temporary, experimental school bringing together a range of practitioners to engage in exchange and co-production of a garden. MORE…

Micro Turf

Micro Turf

Micro Turf is a project and process, where we survey parking lot ecosystems, abandoned infra-structures, trade routes, and micro habitats of Berlin by dissecting the fringe-ecologies within the city. Analyzing ecological succession, the expedition collects samples, maps wildlife, illustrates the topography, detects seismographic data, and observes the micro-climates to create models of future urban habitats. MORE…

Raising the Rockies

Raising the Rockies Moving Corridors for Alpine Apollos

As temperatures rise globally, the tree lines in high altitudes rise along. This causes alpine meadows to become fragmented, shrinking in size and thereby reducing habitats for local species. 
On this walk, people create moving meadows to guide butterflies through trees to new habitats. MORE…


F.R.U.I.T. Exploring your city and its connection to the world via fruit

Our food is travelling to reach us, and the environmental costs of these journeys are adding up. F.R.U.I.T. researches why we don’t know where our food comes from, with reports on local food movements, proposals for agriculture in cities and offers a platform for online demonstration. MORE…

Cité Sauvage

Cité Sauvage

Cities become a refuge to wildlife, often providing better conditions and niches than surrounding agricultural landscapes. Berlin has become the city of nightingales and is a home to about 30 000 species of plants and animals. The co-existence of people and wildlife needs rethinking as we share the same resources, spaces and services. MORE…



An online collection for enviro-techno/ political inventions, open to anyone to contribute: Redoo imperfect systems, unfortunate courses and undesirable conventions for better coexistence. MORE…


Airconomy Relating economies and air conditions

The city of Sibiu in Romania is heavily exposed to air pollution, caused by the transit of goods from the south-east to the west of Europe. As Airconomists, we set up a mobile air quality sensing station and street poll, asking residents to vote between economic benefits and air qualities. MORE…

Learning Tree

Learning Tree

Through the Learning Tree leaflets, people of Chicago’s Midway Plaisance, Eaglewood and Woodlawn districts were asked to share what they know with their neighbours. Fragments of knowledge, expertise, and identity within the community became locally published, such as cooking recipes, chemical formulas or tree information for the benefit of other passersby. MORE…

Neighbourhood Satellites

Neighbourhood Satellites Environment Sensing Adventures in the City

To make the detection of local environmental conditions an engaging activity, this project integrates mobile game play with grassroots air sensing. MORE…

The Great Park Project

The Great Park Project

El Toro, a former military base in Orange County will become the biggest public park of the United States.
Proposals, stories, surveys, research, and simulations on the future of this land and its possible transformations. MORE…

The Global Warming Tracking Network

The Global Warming Tracking Network

This is a concept where people offer the idle time of their cell phones to compute changes in global climate. Together with an additional information service for posting wishes, they can stay in touch with events related to global warming. MORE…

Amazing All-Band Radio

Amazing All-Band Radio

A set of three radios allow for hunting the waves of the whole radio spectrum from the comfort of one’s home. MORE…

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