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Here we see Ann, trying herself as a Neighbourhood Satellite. However, before the project reached this stage, all along the process people have experimented with the sensing and playing.
Some comments I collected from different testers along the way:
"It is hard not to be contaminated, just don't seem to be able to escape! A subject I really care about, but a game I feel I can't play well. I'm curious to see if other girls feel the same." Pei
"We are coughing from dust but we are learning to shake it off. We felt like on an airflot flight." Enrico and Davide
"Despite the contamination interesting experience." Anonymous
"The thing I like the most is that it makes a game out of adding data to a data set. This is often the hardest thing to do when creating collaborative interaction." Mike Kuniavsky
Situations and motivations

I wondered when it would be that people might want to engage in such activities at all, and when everyday situations would occur where sensing and playing are a convenient thing to do. What might be people's motivations? For one investigation I went into the town of Ivrea to look for such situations. To my surprise I found more than I had even expected:

While you are bored, waiting for your friend to finish his conversation.

Situations you have to walk outside.
While waiting for the bus.

  While taking a break.

Checking different locations in your city for curiosity
  and using the system to discover places you haven't gone to before.
Testplay at Stadio San Siro

At "The Greenhouse Effect" a work in progress show at Stadio San Siro, Milan, dozens of people were playing with the first satellite prototype. Although it had only the light sensor working, generating the incoming clouds, and the system being stationary instead of portable, people could easily grasp the concept of environmentally-affected gameplay, and envision its mobile use.

Also I found people being genuinally interested in knowing about their direct environmental conditions, maybe since Milan is one of the most air polluted cities in Europe. Only two elderly ladies were not all too enthusiastic in knowing what is flying around them, and preferred to remain oblivious.
Pergames 2005

Here Neighbourhood Satellites takes off with experienced videogame players at the Pervasive Gaming Conference in Munich, Germany.
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