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  Public places are often designed by city planners, and evolve over time by how people make use of them.
The public objects are mostly considered by their functional properties, sometimes by their aesthetical qualities and happen to escape people's consciousness during their daily routines.
However, these objects often act as mediators between strangers and create curious social situations: think of escalators, traffic lights, cameras, benches, revolving doors, but also trees or water wells.

In this workshop we examine specific locations in cities with students and observe the behaviours of passersby: how do people use this space and the objects? How could they be repurposed to interact with people in even more peculiar ways? Can we harness natural or electric powers that are available? And ultimately, to who belong these public objects and owns the right to change them?

Based on these observations, students will introduce playful transformations to objects, change rules and routines, and find out how people will react, reconsidering their daily environments.